Thursday, July 10, 2008

Takoma Park Passes Resolution Opposing Foie Gras

A special thanks goes out to Magda, a reader and commenter who just alerted me to this story: the Takoma Park City Council has voted in favor of a resolution "opposing the production and sale" of foie gras.

According to this article in the Examiner, "The resolution “encourages Takoma Park residents not to buy foie gras in order to avoid supporting this extreme form of animal cruelty.” But some City Council members may want to take it even further: They have asked staff to investigate whether they can legally ban the production, consumption or sale of the substance."

While an outright ban is probably unlikely, mostly due to enforcement issues, not everyone is happy about the resolution.

Carol Blymire, a Takoma Park resident, who you probably know from her wildly popular blog, French Laundry at Home, calls the resolution "embarrassing", and adds, "We have this reputation of being these crazy people in Takoma Park who spend all our time on symbolic gestures. I feel like there are stronger local legislative issues that should have gotten priority."

So, what do you think? Is this an example of a city council gone too far? Or one addressing a serious issue?

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