Friday, July 18, 2008

Cold Stone Creamery Enters the Frozen Yogurt Market

Ok, so this isn't exactly breaking news - Cold Stone actually introduced this product, called TangyBerry, in some of their stores last November, but today was the first time I noticed it in the Cold Stone location at the Ballston Mall here in Arlington, VA.

The product, which has been compared to Pinkberry, is "fat-free and contains 100 calories per 4-ounce serving."


The Ex said...

People are so batshit in love with Pinkberry (and the like). I really don't get it.

Anthony said...

I think there are a couple reasons why:

1) People like the idea of indulging in something and it being quasi-healthy

2) The product is customizable; you can add a ton of different toppings and have different flavors.

Anonymous said...

can't they come up with new words to combine into froyo names? its like "pinktangyberrygreensweet" is all they can think of.